, pub-3802213282599580, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 SHAWL SEASON ROUNDUP!
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Updated: Jan 26, 2023

I seem to have a bit of an obsession when it comes to shawls, wraps, cozy hugs made of love and amazing snuggle power!! I love everything about them so of course I feel the need to find my favorites and share them with you all when the weather begins to cool down and the trees start shedding their beautiful leaves.

I'm blessed to have found an amazing gang of designers I like to call my support group. These creative geniuses never fail to impress me with their wonderful patterns perfect for fall. I have been blown away, lifted up, taught, and comforted more times than I can count by these amazing people. When I told them I was planning to write my annual shawl roundup they blew me away again with their masterpieces!

Click the pattern name to see more about the pattern


Click the designer's name to see more of their awesome designs!

*Please take a minute and favorite these items in their shops, share their links, & just generally show them some love!!

So without further ado, let me show some of them off to you..............

DON'T FORGET to check out this month's

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