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Scarecrow Puff CAL Part 2

Welcome to part 2! Please join the "Crochet-A-Long with Us!" Facebook group so you can show off your projects, get help, & win prizes!

scarecrow puff cal part 2 promo

If you didn't already grab your supplies, here's what you will need to get started......


Any WW4/Aran/10ply yarns(approx. 119 yds total)

Head: Light Brown(approx. 68 yds)

Hat: Dark Brown(approx. 44 yds)

Eyes: Black & White(approx. 2 yds each)

Straw: Gold(approx. 2 yds)

Nose: Orange(approx. 3 yds)

H(Boye 5mm) Hook

Yarn Needle

Poly-Fil Stuffing: approx 2 fists full

Abbreviations(US Terms):

CH= Chain

SK= Skip

ST = Stitch

sts = Stitches

SC= Single Crochet

HDC= Half Double Crochet

DEC = HDC 2 Stitches Together

BLO = Back Loop Only



- SIGN IN to receive e-mail notifications when the next section is ready to view.

- create a Ravelry project to show off your progress.

- join Regina P Designs Official Group on Facebook to show off your work and ask questions if needed.

- follow me on Instagram and use #reginapdesigns when showing off your progress

- SPREAD THE WORD!! Please tell your crochet loving friends so they can get in on this CAL too!! You can share posts from my Facebook page.


Continuing on for part 2 we will be creating the hat brim and top of the hat.

NOTES: For the first ROW of the Hat Brim & of the Hat, both are worked into ROW 17 only in different loops for each.

Cut & tie off Brown, change to Dark Brown.

ROW 17: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, SC in each ST across(27)


ROW 1: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, working in the BLO across repeat(2 SC, SC) 13 times, 2 SC in the last ST(41)

ROW 2: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, repeat(2 HDC, HDC in the next 3 sts) 10 times, 2 HDC in the last ST(52)

ROWS 3-5: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, SC in each ST across(52)

Cut, tie off, & weave in your ends.


Attach your yarn to the first ST of row 17 of the front of the head.

ROW 1: CH 1(does not count as a ST), working in the unworked loop of row 17 SC in each ST across(27)

ROW 2: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, SK the first ST, HDC in the next 24 sts, DEC over the last 2 sts(25)

ROW 3: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, SK the first ST, SC in the next 22 sts, DEC over the last 2 sts(23)

ROW 4: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, SK the first ST, HDC in the next 20 sts, DEC over the last 2 sts(21)

ROW 5: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, SK the first ST, SC in the next 18 sts, DEC over the last 2 sts(19)

ROW 6: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, SK the first ST, HDC in the next 16 sts, DEC over the last 2 sts(17)

ROW 7: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, SK the first ST, SC in the next 14 sts, DEC over the last 2 sts(15)

ROW 8: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, SK the first ST, HDC in the next 12 sts, DEC over the last 2 sts(13)

ROW 9: CH 1(does not count as a ST) & turn, HDC in the first ST, SC in the next 11 sts, HDC in the last ST (13)

Cut, tie off, & weave in your ends.



Comment a picture of your finished Part 2 on the "Crochet-A-Long with US!" announcement for Part 2 to enter to win a copy of my Fall Fun Coasters pattern!

Create a Ravelry Project with the name "Scarecrow Puff Quickie CAL" with your finished photos by November 1st, 2023, to be gifted this pattern for FREE!


Come back tomorrow, October 25th, after 8 am(EST) for Part 3!

DON'T FORGET to check out this month's

By taking part in this CAL you agree to the terms of use for Regina P Designs' patterns:

  • All Regina P Designs Patterns are for personal use only.

  • You are free to do as you wish with the finished products made from this pattern with the agreement that Regina P Designs will be credited for the pattern itself.

  • It is prohibited to: reproduce, copy(including screenshots), publish(in any Form including video) or distribute this pattern, its parts or photos in any way or form, including translations into foreign languages.

Thank you,

Regina P.

©Copyright 2023, Regina P Designs All Rights Reserved. All Content Copyright and other rights reserved by Regina P Designs. No Content May Be Duplicated Without Express Written Consent.

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